As we continue to grow together the needs of our ministries, building, and grounds continue to increase as well. We are always seeking new ways to improve in all areas of Now Church. Our GROW FUND will provide the means to make improvements that will enhance our ministries and buildings so we can effectively reach the people of our community. We want to invite you to look over the details of this brochure, our website, and download our app to inform you about our GROW FUND. We also want you to partner with us in prayer as well as making a pledge to commit to give to our GROW FUND. There are multiple ways you can get involved in the ministries of Now Church and this is another great opportunity to partner with our Lord and Savior in His Great Commission. It is our desire at Now Church to go into all the world and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Baptize people in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As well as teach, train, and turn them loose into the world to make more disciples of Jesus Christ. We are so excited about what God is doing at Now Church. We have been blessed in so many ways. We have seen God do miracles, we have seen God answer prayers, and we have seen God move in mighty ways. We know He has even greater things in store for us at Now Church. Thank you for your dedication to the Lord!

Text To Give
- Text an amount to 843-21 (add as a contact for future use)
- Click on the link sent back to you
- Select your church (Now Church)
- Add an email address
- Add your payment information (will link with mobile bank apps)
- Future gifts will now only require you to enter the amount
- To give to the General, GROW Fund, Missions, or Faith Promise funds via text, simply add the fund name after your gift amount
- Accidental or incorrect amounts can be quickly rectified by texting the word “refund”
Give Online
- Click on the link below
- Enter the amount you are giving
- Choose the fund you are contributing to
- Follow prompts to complete
Give In Person
- Use the offering box available at your church campus
- Make checks payable to Now Church